
Kintobi Shiga Co., Ltd.

Devoted to udon noodle flour
Meeting expectations with hand-made skills and high quality

Noodle business

udon noodles

With integrated production of flour milling and noodle making, we will deliver noodles that are always delicious.

Kin Tobi Shiga's "Kin Tobi Men" noodles are manufactured under consistent control – from the selection of the raw-material wheat and milling of the flour, to the production of the noodles. Our dried noodles and semi-raw noodles are produced using only freshly-milled, quality wheat flour, carefully milled in-house, with proven techniques and skills built up over more than 60 years, and proprietary noodle making methods learned from hand-made udon noodles, and they feature the sweet aroma and rich flavor unique to wheat.
"Kin Tobi Men", with its delicious taste and quality, has won awards for various products, starting with the wining the Monde Selection Gold Award in 2010. With our accumulated traditions and proven techniques, we will continue to deliver the safe and reliable, delicious taste that never changes.

Noodle factory (Hamacho factory) Facility daily output capacity 7.2t
* Daily output: 1,200 cases/6kg
Acquired ISO9001 certification
Acquired HACCP certification


Safe and secure noodles production, with thorough quality control.

At our ISO9001 certified flour milling factory, we practice thorough quality control. We are constantly making improvements, and make safe noodles production our number one priority. Moreover, Kin Tobi Shiga Co., Ltd., is an HACCP (internationally recognized food safety management system) certified dried noodle factory.

Flour-milling business


Devoted to udon flour since our inception in 1917.
We continue to produce high-quality udon flour.

Even today, as we have shifted from stone hand milling at our inception to modern roll-type milling, Kin Tobi Shiga is still particular about milling flour gently, slowly and carefully. By suppressing damaged starch in this way, the natural fragrance of the wheat is not lost, and it is possible to produce wheat flour that takes water slowly and is perfectly suited to hand-made udon noodles.
Wheat quality varies from harvest to harvest; but Kin Tobi Shiga, with data accumulated over around 100 years and careful craftsmanship, always reliably delivers the finest flour. Having building trust with reliable quality, our flour continues to be the favorite of many famous handmade udon stores, that have been using it for many years.

udon flour

A flour mill factory specializing in udon flour, bringing out the taste to the fullest

There are three main types of flour: strong, medium and weak. Kin Tobi Shiga, has set up its factory diagram to mild only udon flour (medium). By specializing in this way, it is possible to bring out the characteristics of wheat when it is turned into flour and the flavor of the ingredients, to their fullest.

Flour mill (Main factory) Facility daily output capacity 100t
* Daily output: 4,000 bags/25kg
Acquired ISO9001 certification

Management Philosophy

Keep at something interesting a little by little, be the best in the community (from “Chikouraku”, Analects)

Message from the President


A new era called the Meiji began about 150 years ago and ended up wars and chaos. 75 years later, the failure in WWII led to the purge, dissolution of financial cliques, and the reformation of farmlands so the revival of the Japanese economy all began in the burning fields. And now, another 75 years later, a major change called the Industrial Revolution is about to take place. Experiencing the major changes in modern Japan, Kintobishiga knows that it’s not going to survive the Industrial Revolution simply by following the path of its predecessors. To embark on a great voyage, we have to be curious like children, decisive, and capable to read the wind ahead. We’d love to learn from the classics and wittily step forward in such a discontinuous times.


August 1917 First president, Hachigoro Shiga , starts a rice shop and flour shop
January 1950 Shiga Seifun-jo Co. Ltd. established
January 1950 Flour products named "Kin Tobi brand "
May 1953 Highest-quality noodle flour "Kamome" (25kg) goes on sale
December 1955 Renamed "Yaotomi no Ito" to "Kin Tobi Men"
December 1960 Jinichi Shiga becomes second president of the company
September 1966 Highest-quality dried noodles "Tokyu Kin Tobi Men" go on sale
September 1975 New Head Office premises built
April 1977 Nagoya office built
Hamacho noodle factory built
January 1988 Hiroshi Shiga becomes third president of the company
April 2000 Merged with sales company Kin Tobi Shokuhin, changed company name to "Kin Tobi Shiga Co., Ltd."


Completed construction of new noodle factory "Kaito"

May 2006

Acquire lSO9001 certification

December 2007

Jusuke Shiga becomes fourth president of the company

May 2008 Certified as an Aichi brand company
April 2010
Natsuaji no Udon wins the 2010 Monde Selection Gold Award
February 2012 Started home-delivery water sales business
April Kamaage Udon wins the 2012 Monde Selection Gold Award
March 2013 Hamacho factory acquires HACCP certification
April Kokusan Kishimen wins the 2013 Monde Selection Gold Award
May Noodle flour made from 100% Aichi grown wheat "Kin Tobi Kinuakari" (25kg) goes on sale
Kin Tobi Kokusan Miso Nikomi Udon goes on sale
April 2014 Gamagori Mikan Noodles (kishimen, udon, hiyamuki) goes on sale
Aichi produced wheat "Kin Tobi Kinuakari Udon" goes on sale
September Gamagori Udon for 2, 4 goes on sale
  Kin Tobi Kokusan Curry Nikomi Udon goes on sale
March 2015 Aichi produced wheat "Kin Tobi Kinuagari Somen" goes on sale
  Aichi produced wheat "Kin Tobi Kinuagari Reimen" goes on sale
April Kinuakari Udon wins the 2015 Monde Selection Gold Award
October Aichi produced wheat "Kin Tobi Nagoya Kishimen" goes on sale
February 2016
Commercial-use Kin Tobi tempura flour 10kg goes on sale
April Gamagori Udon for 4 wins the 2016 Monde Selection Gold Award
August Gamagori Udon for 4 wins the 2016 Aichi Food Product Contest Award for Excellence
December Gamagori Udon for 2 wins the Grand Prize, Aichi Governor's Award in the Aichi-Nagoya Food and
Sweet Souvenir Contest - Judged by 100 Foreigners
August 2017 100th anniversary of foundation
  Toyohashi factory establishment
September 2018

White soy sauce kishimen nationwide release


The Kinuakari ramen noodle Sale


Official home page renewal


Hamacho plant received Aichi prefectural governor award at Aichi prefecture food sanitation meeting

January 2019 Aichi Kinu Akari wheat products are certified as “Triple circle food” in 2019
October Awarded the “Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Food Industry Bureau Award” in the award presentation for beneficial activities such as local production for local consumption in 2019.
November In commemoration of the 5th anniversary of the release of Gamagori Udon, launched two products of “Vongole Bianco Flavor”.
February2021 Launched “Shredded Chilled Udon”, a functional food
January 2022 “Shredded Chilled Udon”, a functional food Received the 2021 Higashi Mikawa Manufacturing Award
August “Shredded Chilled Udon”, a functional food
Received the Excellence Award in the 2022 Aichi Hometown Food Contest
February 2023 At the Aichi Brand Innovation Award 2022, “Expanding sales channels through the development of
dried noodles of shredded zaru udon, a food with functional claims using Kinuakari wheat produced
in Aichi prefecture” received a special award.
March Limited quantity sale of “Ieyasu Kunkishimen”
  Nagoya Kishimen summer package on sale for a limited time
  Kintobimen official LINE started
May Kintobimen official Instagram started
September “Domestic kishimen”, “miso stewed udon”, and “curry stewed udon” are now on sale again
October Hamacho Factory received the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare Award as an excellent food
hygiene facility in 2021.
  SDGs declaration
November Kinukinu Akari products received the Association Chairman's Award from the 26th Packaged Food
Technology Association in recognition of their planning and technical capabilities.
March 2024 “Kinuakari Somen”, “Kinuakari Hiyamugi” has been renewed
October 2024 Updated corporate logo and mission statement.
・Corporate statement: “Bringing bright smiles from food”
・Kintobimen brand mission statement: “Delicious shapes made with wheat”

Company Overview

Company Name Kintobi Shiga Co., Ltd.
Line of business Manufacture and sales of wheat flour and dried noodles;
home-delivery water sales
Started 1917
Established January 30, 1950
Capital 47.92 million yen
Representative President, Jusuke Shiga
Main Banks MUFJ Bank, Gamagori Shinkin Bank

Origin of the name Kin Tobi


Our founder, Hachigoro Shiga, was born in Nishi-ku, Nagoya City, in 1893. In 1917, he moved to Gamagori with his wife and children and started a flour milling and noodle making business. Gamagori looks out on Mikawa Bay, and you can often see flocks of kites (Tobi) that fly on the sea breeze. Hachigoro dreams for his business were by sight of the birds soaring high in the sky and he decided on the "Tobi mark" for his flour. Further inspired by the "Kin no Shachihoko", pride of his hometown of Nagoya, and the history of the Emperor Jinmu's "Kin Tobi", he named his highest quality flour "Kin Tobi" and put it on the market.
In particular, Hachigoro's dried noodles, which were highly praised for their excellent flavor, came to be known as "Kin Tobi Men", and even today as we celebrate the 100th anniversary of our founding, they continue to be loved by many of our customers.

Introduction to Gamagori City, Aichi Prefecture


Nature rich tourist city "Gamagori" is surrounded by green mountains and the tranquil sea of Mikawa Bay. There are four hot springs in the city, each with a different atmosphere, and area has been visited as a resort by many people since ancient times. The scenic views of the sea and mountains are reminiscent of Kamakura, and the calm and quiet sea is like the Seto Inland Sea.
Aichi prefecture has long periods of sunshine, suitable for cultivating wheat, and it ranks fifth in Japan for production volume.